lørdag den 29. november 2008

Paying attention to God

I was reading my bible yesterday and then it just hit me. How much do I pay attention to God or am I learning to pay attention to God in my life?

I was reading from Exodus 3:1-6 where Moses was shepherding, and he came to the mountain Horeb. An angel of God appeared to him in flames of fire blazing out in a bush. Moses look but was amazed that it didn't burn up.

You know, Moses was confused. Like saying "Hey, what is going on here? I cannot believe this. It is amazing. Why doesn't the bush not burn up?"

Then God spoke to Moses saying that he shouldn't come any closer, because it is a holy ground he was standing on.. So God said to Moses. "Take your sandals of".

God said to Moses "Do no worry. I am the God of your father: The God of Abraham, The God of Isaac, the God of Jacob".

At that moment Moses hid his face, afraid of looking at God.

We have so much to do in our daily life. We have our work, our family, our morgage that need to be paid, and we also have to take care of our ministry in church.
When we are so stressed, we forget to notice God in our life. And when we are in hard times it is sometimes the last things we do - to turn our attention to God.
Are you learning to pay atttention to God daily in your life? Can you mention a couple things that God have done for you in the last week?

Moses heard from God when he paid attention to Him. We often encounter God when we pay attention to what is going on around us. By paying attention to those aspects of our life that we often neglect: it could be people, situations, quiet moments, creation, and so on... Look for God waiting to interact with you.

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