Are we producing producing Christians that are tame, were we put them in a cage behind a plexiglas, and makes them looking out of the window to the real world?
It is too safe. It is too tame. It is too predictable. I have to say "Christians in cage??" No thanks, and then why am I then acting like that? When I look back of the 18 years of my life in my church, with up's and down's, why don't there happens more in my life. Why doesn't people get saved and being followers of Christ? Why am I not willing to take risks?
I just wonder if churches do to people what zoos do to animals?
I love my church, and I love doing ministry in the church too. Often we take people out of their world, were they life and act, and we try to tame them in the name of Christ. We try to remove the danger. We try to remove the struggle. And we end up with a tame Christian.
I have made a decision not to be a boring follower of Christ. I want to live a life where risks are normal for my spiritual growth with Christ.
Don't you want to be like that?
2 kommentarer:
yes, we use to do that....and do you know why we are doing that? there is so many reasons I could write about...but one of them is - because it is secure....because we know that if we would be confronted with "real world" we could maybe fall more often, we would't be so great and perfect heroes for a new born christians and so on and so on...things could be more complicated for us....sometimes we are saying that is not good to have relationships (love, friendship) with people who are not christians and we have also "really good reasons" for that and we are repeating it again and opinion is..maybe we are not doing that with purpose, maybe yes, but we are doing it...and reasons has everybody in own heart...and isn't it more comfortable to hide myself before temptation or struggling than to face it???? fight brings hurting...and security is security...
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