Lately I have been thinking of what am I living my life in a way worth telling stories about?
Are we really living our life in such away, where we are willing to take risks that changes the way we see life? Were do things that nobody dare to do, ad it's worth to look back on later in our life. Stories where we see God have done some amazing things through?
I believe everybody in some way is a leader. And as a leader we live our life with a purpose. Everyone is a leader, it just depends on how we are prepared or capable of living like one. How can we expect to inspire others to find theirs? Everyone has a purpose, our challenge is becoming aware of it.
I want to have a purpose where I dare to take risk and do crazy things and look at what God have done, instead of waiting 20 years from now, and look back and say why didn't I do it?? Why didn't I dare to jump out and try it out?
Are you living our life to the fullest? Are you living a life where you dare to jump of the cliff and just know that God is in full control of your life?
4 kommentarer:
Waw, something in english for Kimko´s slovak friends... I think that I am learning to live my life in the fullest..things are moving- thanks to God and my older danish brother. you know:)
kokos, šikovný si:)
kokos.. nie šikovný si:)
it makes me very happy that you wrote something in english, so I can read it and understand it:)
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