lørdag den 31. januar 2009

What are you up to????

Lately I have been thinking a lot of having an awareness of God. An awareness of God in my life.

Have you ever asked yourself this question: God what are you up to in my life?

I believe if we start asking ourself this question, we will start to notice God around us. And also value God influence in us. We will notice God's calling, and that our God want to have a relationship with us.

How is it with you? Ask God daily - God what are you up to in my life? You will start to notice Him more and more.

Remember God is searching more for you, than you are for Him.

lørdag den 29. november 2008

Paying attention to God

I was reading my bible yesterday and then it just hit me. How much do I pay attention to God or am I learning to pay attention to God in my life?

I was reading from Exodus 3:1-6 where Moses was shepherding, and he came to the mountain Horeb. An angel of God appeared to him in flames of fire blazing out in a bush. Moses look but was amazed that it didn't burn up.

You know, Moses was confused. Like saying "Hey, what is going on here? I cannot believe this. It is amazing. Why doesn't the bush not burn up?"

Then God spoke to Moses saying that he shouldn't come any closer, because it is a holy ground he was standing on.. So God said to Moses. "Take your sandals of".

God said to Moses "Do no worry. I am the God of your father: The God of Abraham, The God of Isaac, the God of Jacob".

At that moment Moses hid his face, afraid of looking at God.

We have so much to do in our daily life. We have our work, our family, our morgage that need to be paid, and we also have to take care of our ministry in church.
When we are so stressed, we forget to notice God in our life. And when we are in hard times it is sometimes the last things we do - to turn our attention to God.
Are you learning to pay atttention to God daily in your life? Can you mention a couple things that God have done for you in the last week?

Moses heard from God when he paid attention to Him. We often encounter God when we pay attention to what is going on around us. By paying attention to those aspects of our life that we often neglect: it could be people, situations, quiet moments, creation, and so on... Look for God waiting to interact with you.

tirsdag den 28. oktober 2008

I wonder if churches do to people what zoos do to animals?

Are we producing producing Christians that are tame, were we put them in a cage behind a plexiglas, and makes them looking out of the window to the real world?
It is too safe. It is too tame. It is too predictable. I have to say "Christians in cage??" No thanks, and then why am I then acting like that? When I look back of the 18 years of my life in my church, with up's and down's, why don't there happens more in my life. Why doesn't people get saved and being followers of Christ? Why am I not willing to take risks?

I just wonder if churches do to people what zoos do to animals?

I love my church, and I love doing ministry in the church too. Often we take people out of their world, were they life and act, and we try to tame them in the name of Christ. We try to remove the danger. We try to remove the struggle. And we end up with a tame Christian.

I have made a decision not to be a boring follower of Christ. I want to live a life where risks are normal for my spiritual growth with Christ.

Don't you want to be like that?

mandag den 20. oktober 2008

Why is coaching so popular?

How is it that coaching is so popular?

Today we live in a society that is unusual. I believe, we live in a world where we are the most actively learning generation, but also in the most resistiant towards learning.

It is funny because learning is on the first hand a painful and risky activity we get into. This is painful because you have to give up on some areas in you life, and it is also risky because it is away into the unknown field, and you don't know in advance what the new situation will be like once you have finished the activity of learning.
(Haaden, Erik de (2008), Relational Coaching, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.)

Therefore I believe coaching is popular because people go into a coaching relationship first with a purpose to find a solution, but this solution might end another place than they expected, and this is the way it creates growth. Being scared of the unknown fields that they move into, to a place where there is much more growth and worth and value.

Just some inspiraion from some reading I have been doing lately.

Living a life that's worth telling stories about

Lately I have been thinking of what am I living my life in a way worth telling stories about?

Are we really living our life in such away, where we are willing to take risks that changes the way we see life? Were do things that nobody dare to do, ad it's worth to look back on later in our life. Stories where we see God have done some amazing things through?

I believe everybody in some way is a leader. And as a leader we live our life with a purpose. Everyone is a leader, it just depends on how we are prepared or capable of living like one. How can we expect to inspire others to find theirs? Everyone has a purpose, our challenge is becoming aware of it.

I want to have a purpose where I dare to take risk and do crazy things and look at what God have done, instead of waiting 20 years from now, and look back and say why didn't I do it?? Why didn't I dare to jump out and try it out?

Are you living our life to the fullest? Are you living a life where you dare to jump of the cliff and just know that God is in full control of your life?

lørdag den 18. oktober 2008

Hvad er coaching?

Coaching er en særlig måde at føre en samtale på, hvor fokuspersonen forpligtiger sig til en dialog omkring en defineret problemstilling og et mål. Coachens hovedopgave er at gå på opdagelse i fokuspersonens forestillinger om vejen til målet.

Coaching er en målrettet og bevidstgørende dialog og tillige en motiverende arbejdsform, hvor det drejer sig om at udvikle personens/gruppens faglige og personlige potentiale ud fra egne forudsætninger.

Coaching praktiseres som individuel- eller gruppe/teamcoaching.

Individuel/personlig coaching er en mulighed for mennesker der ønsker at styrke det personlige lederskab, udvikle sig professionelt fx som leder, medarbejder eller selvstændig, ved at skabe bevidsthed om uudnyttede ressourcer og potentialer.

Gruppe/teamcoaching er en mulighed for teams der ønsker, at finde det bedste frem i sig selv, at styrke samarbejdet og derved lykkes med de opgaver man har påtaget sig.

Coachens fornemste opgave er at få skabt bevidsthed, fokus, og ansvar i den coachede.

Nye udfordringer i samfundet, på jobbet og i fritiden kræver nye måder at lære og udvikle sig på. I idrættens verden har man med succes de sidste 25 år anvendt coaching til forbedring af allerede fremragende præstationer.

Coachen udviklede sig fra at være eksperten, der påpegede fejl og gav instrukser, til en kærlig støtte der med menneskelig, psykologisk og professionel indsigt kunne inspirere, provokere, opmuntre og støtte den enkelte sportsudøvers særlige og unikke talent.

Gennem de senere år har det vist sig, at coaching er meget velegnet som metode til at skabe bevidsthed, kompetenceudvikling og læring, og anvendes i stadig større udstrækning i mange brancher, organisationer og uddannelsesinstitutioner.

Coaching er velegnet til

* at fremme læring og kompetenceudvikling
* at skabe bevidsthed
* at styrke og udvikle teamsamarbejde
* at effektivisere teamsamarbejde
* at styrke det personlige lederskab
* at fremme effekten af strategisk planlægning
* at afklare bevidsthed og parathed i forbindelse med delegering af ansvar og kompetence
* at bidrage til planlægning af karriere
* at afklare fordele og ulemper ved forandringer
* at fremme personlig udvikling

mandag den 31. marts 2008

Når vi blogger om vores tro!

I det svenske dagblad Dagen der prøver 3 personer - En præst, en pastor og en fortrinsvis nyfrelst at blogge om deres oplevelser med omkring påsken. For nogle af dem, er det ganske nyt at blogge, og skrive om deres tro på nettet.

Når jeg ser sådan et initiativ, så ser jeg mangel på samme i Danmark. Der er mange bloggere, der er mange teologer, men der er ingen kombinere disse. Vi ser ikke mange teologer, der tør at skrive deres tanker ned i det digitale media, og benytte dette til at nedbringe barrierer mellem kirken og samfund.

Vi har brug for teologer, der tør være ærlige, og politiske ukorrekte, og ikke være bange for at skrive hvad de vil. Vi kan ikke starte en blogging revolution hvis vi ikke indrager andre. Derfor er det utroligt vigtigt at indholdet kan kommenteres og diskuteres. Hjertet i den bloggende kirke burde være en passioneret drøm efter mennesker, der betyder noget for Gud.

Blogging er en ekstraordinær måde til at starte samtaler på, nå ud til andre mennesker, og udvikle og opbygge ny fællesskaber og grupper. Gevinsterne i blogging er kirkerne vil opfattes som mere åbne, autentiske, gennemsigtige og troværdige. Når kirken lader sine weblog-brugere blive medproducenter i den eksterne kommunikation, stiger troværdigheden.

Lad os komme igang med skabe nogle diskutioner og debatter på blogsfære på internettet omkring vores tro og kirker.